Small and fast tool which backs up drivers on your system.
DriverBackup! is a tool which can backup your Windows drivers. This can be useful if you're upgrading your system, buying a new computer or simply changing the version of your operating system.
Using DriverBackup! is a simple task. After starting the program, click on the driver which you would like to backup and select it from the list of drivers. Once you've selected all of the drivers you would like to backup with DriverBackup!, click on "Start Backup".
Once the process is complete, you have a backup of your system drivers. You can also use DriverBackup! to restore the drivers which have been backed up. Just run DriverBackup! again and use the "Restore" tab.
In conclusion, DriverBackup! is an excellent way to ensure you have all of the proper drivers for your system saved in a central location so that you can easily restore them in case your system becomes unstable or you have simply purchased a new PC. It's free and portable meaning no installation is necessary.
Features of DriverBackup!
- Automatic generation of autorun files for drivers' restoration.
- Backup & restore of windows drivers.
- Command line switches with integrated command line builder.
- Compatible with 64 bit systems.
- Drivers' backup from offline or non-booting system.
- No installation required / Portable software.
- Unknown device recognition.
Compatibility and License
DriverBackup! has been released under the open source GPL license on Windows from backup software. The license provides the options to freely download, install, run and share this program without any restrictions. The source code for DriverBackup! should be freely available and modifications are certainly permitted as well as the option to inspect the software.
Is DriverBackup! for Windows 10?
Yes. It can run on a PC with Windows 11 or Windows 10. Previous versions of the OS shouldn't be a problem with Windows 8 and Windows 7 having been tested. It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems with no dedicated 64-bit download provided.
Filed under:
- DriverBackup! Download
- Free Backup Software
- Open source and GPL software
- DriverBackup! 2.1
- Driver Backup Software
- Software for Windows 10